

Office of Financial Affairs



Unapproved on-campus soliciting by any person for any reason is strictly prohibited. Door-to-door solicitation in the residence halls, classrooms, and administrative offices is expressly prohibited.

Solicitation by External Entities
External individuals or organizations are not permitted to conduct sales, promotional, or recruitment activities on Utica University-owned or leased property without the written permission of the vice president for financial affairs and treasurer. Although it is anticipated that very few such requests would be approved, individuals and organizations that are granted approval must comply with the provisions of this policy and other policies referenced below.

External individuals, organizations, and vendors who have been invited to the Utica University campus by University students or employees may work through those students or employees to request permission for solicitation from the vice president for financial affairs and treasurer. If permission is obtained, the host student or employee must then reserve space for the event though the procedures outlined below.

Solicitation by Utica University Students
Utica University student clubs and organizations wishing to conduct fundraisers or promotional activities on University-owned or leased property must obtain permission from the Executive Director of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) or his or her designee. Athletic teams wishing to conduct fundraisers or promotional activities on University-owned or leased property must obtain written permission from the director of athletics.

There are three locations where these fundraisers or promotional activities may take place: Strebel Student Center, White Hall, and the University’s athletic facilities. If permission is given and the fundraiser or promotional activity is to take place in the Strebel Student Center or White Hall, students must reserve a table in those locations. If the activity will take place at the University’s athletic facilities, permission must be obtained from the University’s director of athletics.

Student clubs, organizations, and athletic teams wishing to solicit external University donors, such as alumni, parents, friends, neighbors, and businesses, must additionally comply with the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy.

Solicitation by Utica University Employees
Utica University faculty and staff who wish to engage in solicitation activities that benefit Utica University programs and activities must comply with this policy as well as the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy, regardless of whether they are soliciting internal or external donors.

Faculty and staff who wish to conduct solicitation activities that benefit external causes or that provide support for members of the Utica University community, or who wish to sell commercial products or services during University hours of operation, must comply with this policy as well as the University’s Employee Code of Conduct, which is designed to ensure proper use of University resources.

Exceptions to Policy
Poll-taking activities, whether they are conducted by members of the Utica University community or by external individuals or organizations, are regulated by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and, therefore, all individuals wishing to conduct such activities must contact the IRB. For more information, see Procedures, below.

Political activities are regulated by the University’s Political Activity on the Utica University Campus policy.

Reporters who wish to interview Utica University employees and/or students must first contact the Office of Marketing and Communications. For more information, see Procedures, below.

Utica University has made an institutional commitment to the United Way and to America’s Greatest Heart Run & Walk. Therefore, certain activities connected with those two fundraising efforts may be exempt from portions of this policy.

The Executive Director of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) may grant permission for special activities that involve solicitation in the residence hall areas.

Staff members from the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) are permitted to visit student rooms in the performance of their duties.

Staff members from the Office of Advancement may approach University employees regarding donations to the University’s Annual Fund and other University fundraising activities.

Employers wishing to recruit Utica University students or alumni must arrange any employment recruiting activity through the Office of Career Services.


This policy applies to all members of the Utica University community. This policy also applies to external individuals and organizations planning to conduct solicitation activities on Utica University-owned or leased property. Approved solicitations do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Utica University.


This policy is intended to provide managed opportunities for student organizations and local individuals and vendors to market themselves and their products and services to the University community while protecting students and employees from unwanted, intrusive, or disruptive solicitations. This policy is also intended to enhance the privacy and safety of members of the University community and to ensure the appropriate use of Utica University resources. Finally, this policy is intended to ensure compliance with New York State Education Law Article 129-A § 6437, which restricts the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on college campuses to students (see Credit Card Marketing policy).


Fundraising – Activities designed to generate income or other forms of support for programs, organizations, individuals who are in need, and other causes. Such activities may benefit University-related programs or services or they may benefit external not-for-profit causes. See also the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy.

Solicitation – The act of personally approaching other individuals with the intent to sell or promote products, services, or beliefs or with the intent to conduct interviews on behalf of newspapers, television stations, and other media. Examples include such activities as conducting bake sales, selling raffle tickets, gathering pledges for walkathons, selling Girl Scout cookies or Avon products, marketing credit cards, proselytizing on behalf of religious or cult organizations, and distributing promotional products, advertising materials, handbills, or printed or written literature whether in person, electronically, or through campus mail or by telephone.

Community Service – Activities undertaken by University faculty, staff, and/or students to support external not-for-profit organizations, individuals in need, community-based organizations, citizen advisory committees or task forces, and/or professional organizations.


1. External Individuals and Organizations
a. External individuals, organizations, and vendors must request permission from the vice president for financial affairs and treasurer or his or her designee before beginning any solicitation activities.

b. Once written permission is obtained, external individuals, organizations, and vendors must reserve a table through the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE). Tables may be placed in the Strebel Student Center only. There is a daily fee for tables, although it may be waived for “resource tables” if the group is sponsored by a student organization or University office and if nothing is being sold at the table. Details and related restrictions on the use of these tables are outlined in the Vendor Table Agreement, which is available from the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE).

c. External individuals, organizations, and vendors who have been invited to the Utica University campus by University students or employees may work through those students or employees to request permission from the vice president for financial affairs and treasurer and to reserve space for their event.

2. Utica University Student Clubs and Organizations
a. Student clubs and organizations must request and receive permission from the Executive Director of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) or his or her designee before beginning any on-campus solicitation activities. Fundraisers that involve the solicitation of donors external to the University must also comply with the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy.

b. Student clubs and organizations must contact the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) to reserve a table in the Strebel Student Center or in White Hall. If the fundraising event is going to take place at one of the University’s athletic facilities, the individual or organization need not contact the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE), but must contact the director of athletics.

c. Student organizations, external individuals, and organizations that seek additional exposure to the University community are encouraged to advertise in or submit items to the University’s student newspaper, radio station, or other media outlets, and/or they may post fliers in designated locations on campus after having obtained stamped approval of their material in accordance with the University’s Posting policy.

3. Athletic Teams
a. Athletic teams must request and receive written permission from the director of athletics or his or her designee before beginning any solicitation activities. Fundraisers that involve the solicitation of donors external to the University must also comply with the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy.

b. If the activity will take place at a venue other than the University’s athletic facilities, athletic teams must contact the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) to reserve a table in either the Strebel Student Center or White Hall. These are the only other venues where such activities may take place.

c. Athletic teams that seek additional exposure to the University community are encouraged to advertise in or submit items to the University’s student newspaper, radio station, or other media outlets, and/or they may post fliers in designated locations on campus after having obtained stamped approval of their material in accordance with the University’s Posting policy.

4. Faculty and Staff
a. Faculty and staff should review the University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy and the Employee Code of Conduct to ensure compliance with those two policies.

5. Poll-Takers and Other Researchers
a. Polls and other research efforts involving human subjects are regulated by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and require approval by that body. Individuals planning to poll members of the University community or conduct any other research involving members of the University community must first contact the IRB to determine whether approval is required. For more information about this process, see the IRB Web site: http://ac8.999lsm.net/academic/facultyinfo/reviewboards.cfm.

6. Reporters and Other Members of the Media

a. Reporters must contact the Office of Marketing and Communications if they wish to interview any Utica University faculty member, staff member, or student. The Office of Marketing and Communications will assist the reporter in scheduling the interview and notify the Office of Campus Safety that the reporter will be on campus.

b. Once scheduled, interviews with University employees may take place in the employee’s office or at a location suggested by the employee.

c. Once scheduled, interviews with students may take place in the Strebel Student Center’s Ellen Knower Clark Lounge, in the Frank E. Gannett Memorial Library, in any of the University’s academic facilities, or at outside locations. Under no circumstances are reporters or camera operators allowed to enter the University’s dining or residence halls unless the interview will be with an Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE) or Campus Dining Services employee and unless that interview has been arranged in advance. Interviews with athletic coaches and student-athletes may take place in athletic venues as appropriate, but must be coordinated with the University’s sports information director.


It is the responsibility of all students, employees, campus organizations, and external groups wishing to solicit on campus to comply with the provisions of this policy. It is the responsibility of the vice president for student affairs and dean of students and the director of athletics to guide students in planning solicitation activities. It is the responsibility of deans and supervisors to guide faculty and staff in planning their solicitation activities.


Enforcement of Utica University policies is the responsibility of the office listed in the “Resources/Questions” section of each policy. The responsible office will contact the appropriate authority regarding faculty or staff members, students, vendors, or visitors who violate policies.

Utica University acknowledges that University policies may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise. The University therefore reserves the right to make reasonable and relevant decisions regarding the enforcement of this policy. All such decisions must be approved by an officer of the University (i.e. president, vice president for academic affairs, or vice president for financial affairs).


For questions regarding the use of the Strebel Student Center or the residence halls, contact the Executive Director of Student Living & Campus Engagement (SLCE).  For questions regarding athletic facilities, contact the director of athletics. For all other questions, contact the vice president for financial affairs and treasurer.

See also the following University policies: Fundraising Activities and Practices, Employee Code of Conduct, Political Activity on the Utica University Campus, Credit Card Marketing, and Posting .

Please note that other Utica University policies may apply or be related to this policy. To search for related policies, use the Keyword Search function of the online policy manual.
Effective Date: 09/26/2006
Date Last Revised: 01/14/2020
Revision Promulgation Date: 04/02/2010

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